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Keep the Creativity Alive: Minor In 音乐, Jazz, or Theatre!

Are you studying a different field but don’t want to lose your love for performing? 辅修音乐、爵士或戏剧! This minor will help you easily incorporate the arts into your career or maintain your connection with the arts. Individualized mentorship for your craft will fit into even the busiest schedule.


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在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



Receive private lessons on your primary instrument, participate in a variety of large and small ensembles, and explore foundational music coursework.

Enjoy everything in the music minor with a special emphasis on 爵士乐, 包括即兴表演课程. Participate in the exclusive Jazz and Desserts concert as well as many other performance opportunities.

Join the student production, learn to analyze scripts, and perfect your stagecraft. Customize your learning and pursue your special interests.



Hi, I’m Dawson, a current student in the Theatre minor. I would totally recommend this program! What I love most about the theatre minor is how much we explore ourselves and our capabilities. I learn more than just my major – I learn about myself and my personal character.”



  • Private lessons on your applied instrument
  • 音乐的历史
  • 音乐理论
  • 爵士理论与历史
  • 即兴创作
  • 编曲与作曲
  • 表演与舞台艺术
  • Joining a student or community production
  • The history of theater, including Shakespeare


As a music, 爵士乐, or theatre minor, your passion for the arts can enhance any career. 

例如, a Business Administration major could use their skills in both business and music to open up their own music studio. 

A Nursing major could develop arts-based team-building activities to promote self-care. 

A Teacher Education student could incorporate the arts to enhance student learning. 



A college minor involves taking classes in a specific subject area. It requires less credits than a full-on major.

Taking a minor can allow you to explore an area you’re interested in without devoting a whole major’s courseload of time to it. A minor can be beneficial in complementing your major or helping you gain important skills that employers value.

Additionally, minoring in the arts can promote self-care skills and provide a creative outlet.

Studying music in college can be both enjoyable and helpful to your future. If you enjoy performing, pursuing a music, 爵士乐, or theatre minor will allow you to do so. Between Roberts’ many ensembles, combos, concerts, and more, you’ll get many chances to perform.

A music, 爵士乐, or theatre minor can also be beneficial in preparing you for a career in music. It may also be helpful in combination to a non-music major, in ways you may not even realize.

A music minor is flexible and can complement a variety of careers. 你在音乐中学到的技巧, 爵士乐, or theatre minor can help boost your career in a creative industry.

Even if you are not seeking a career in the arts, your creative passions can be an effective way to prevent professional burnout and maintain a vibrant life.

是的! 如果你来学校找工作 个人访问, you can meet individually with a professor to get an overview of the major and your individual questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 通常包括一个学院 & Services Expo, where you can meet your future professors.

We are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career. 美高梅mgm平台的 Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in their efforts to maximize financial aid. We award financial assistance to 100% of our undergraduate students.


音乐 -作为一个音乐专业的学生,B.A. in 音乐 degree offers broad musical preparation which can lead to any number of career interests, including private music teaching and graduate school.
音乐教育 - Successful completion of the Bachelor of Science degree in 音乐教育 can help you on your way to becoming a music teacher, 在K-12的环境中教授音乐.
音乐表演 - The 音乐表演 Major at 美高梅mgm平台 places an emphasis on pedagogy, 提供大量培训机会, resulting in a 音乐表演 Degree.
音乐疗法 - Become a 音乐 Therapist with a 音乐疗法 degree that prepares students for board-certification by thoughtfully combining coursework in 音乐 Foundations, 心理学, 人类发展, 和音乐疗法.
Department of 音乐 and Performing Arts - 585.594.6101 - dinsmore_andrew@罗伯茨.edu